Animal Farm by George Orwell

Why is George Orwell important today? Many times having encountered the question "What was it like living in the Soviet Union?" I would answer "Very much like it's been described in the 1984." The Communist regime in Russia is thing of the past, at least for now. So why is Orwell still relevant in 2012?

Animal Farm was first published in 1945, intended as a satire, a mockery to make fun of the Stalin's Russia. 'A Fairy Story' about the group of animals who had liberated themselves from the human masters but fell victims of shrewd pigs turning into ruling class, is larger than merely a parody of the Soviet Union.

In any nation, charity, profit or non-profit corporation, school class, church choir, in any societal cell you may find some shrewd pigs trying to take advantage of the sheep bleating along, a hard working horse and the messenger twisting and stretching the facts until they become a new truth.

You can't underestimate the significance of George Orwell. I suggest every person considering themselves an adult should read and re-read Orwell's books again as a harsh reality check.

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