Whether you like Ann Coulter or not, you can't be bored by what she may say or write.
In Demonic Ann Coulter applies the "Crowd Theory" of Le Bon to the Democratic Party of the USA and to liberals in general.
I am sorry to say that many assertions in the book don't hold water.
For example, Ms. Coulter describes German Nazi movement as one of "mob", but separately states that Christians don't act like "mob". In fact, prior to the Second World War most of German citizens identified themselves as Christians. That included Adolf Hitler. Christians behaved like mob at some other occasions too - Children's Crusade, or Medieval Inquisition for example.
In the last chapter preceding the closing slogan "Overreact!" (although slogans, as we learned, is a mob thing), Ms. Coulter brings in the events of the Russian history of the early XX Century, and she gets it all wrong: the dates, the facts, and of course, the conclusion. The "Bloody Sunday" of January 1905 was not mob smashing by the Czar, but rather knee-jerk reaction of the Imperial Guard, who used fire again peaceful demonstrators. This was followed by the peasant revolts across the country, by the mutiny in the Russian Navy while the country was at war with Japan, until it finally ended with First-ever Russian Constitution and opening of the State Duma, first Russian Parliament.
The Revolution of 1910 is Ms. Coulter's fantasy, it has never happened.
The book is laced with childish personal attacks that defeat the purpose of the book and are nothing but part of the mob arsenal. Aren't they? Ms. Coulter calls film producer Michael Moore "fat disgusting pig" and suggests that Jane Fonda's main accomplishment would be her silicon implants. I personally prefer the movie They Shoot Horses, Don't They?
Still I think the lesson on French Revolution is absolutely hilarious, and a must read. Actually, I may suggest Ms. Coulter to drop what she is doing and to get into business of writing history text books. Students need this kind of reading - entertaining, witty, forcing full attention and educational. All in one bottle. Somebody would have to check facts though.
Again, whether you like Ann Coulter or not, I can recommend Demonic: How the Liberal Mob Is Endangering America. Great read!