The book, written as a diary during last few weeks of the Second World War, is attributed by many to Marta Hiller (1911 - 2001).
As many who had read the book rightfully point out, the book is about the Soviet Army raping female civilians in fallen Berlin of 1945. It is, but it is not.
The book is about "swindlers acting like kings, sending the fools off to fight with the flags and lies." It is about the men who go to war and leave their women behind. And about women becoming a trophy of the winning army.
It's about patriotism, about the person who decided to share her fate with that of her people and living with the consequences of the decision.
It's about the live, the means of survival one person can adjust to.
Highly recommended.
A Woman in Berlin: Eight Weeks in the Conquered City: A Diary